There are important changes and updates happening at the GSA designed to make it easier for federal decision-makers to buy from companies with GSA schedules. Earlier this year GSA began the development of a new website,, that will, “lower frustration and make it easier for government agencies to navigate the complete acquisition process.”
The new platform will host all of GSA’s acquisition tools and resources for government buyers and industry vendors. This one-stop shop will provide government buyers with all of the tools and resources they need to complete an acquisition from beginning to end. Current and future vendors can access the valuable resources provided to vendors who are interested in working with the federal government.
“Contemporaries is proud to be a long-time partner with the GSA. Their work leveraging a customer-experience-focused approach to their web tools will streamline the federal government’s acquisition processes and make accomplishing the mission the priority,” said Erin Allen, Contemporaries President.
Learn more about and start using the platform today to meet your agency’s temporary staffing needs. Contemporaries, Inc. is currently holds a Multiple Award Schedule with the General Services Administration (Category 561320SBSA). Our service offerings on the GSA MAS schedule can be accessed here.